The Government Does Not Care About You

It was just two weeks to slow the spread.

It’s just a mask.

It’s just an injection.

It’s just a third injection.

It’s just a piece of paper so that you can work/enter a business/live your life.

It’s just your livelihood.

It’s just your conscience.

I’m not saying “don’t get vaccinated”. I’m not saying “get vaccinated”. That is unequivocally not my role in your life. I’m saying that the government, your employer, and the general public should not be in the business of coercing people into getting vaccinated. This is not a “one size fits all” medical intervention.

I’m saying that the government does not care about you. The government does not know what is best for you. Perhaps at one time the government was well intentioned as they told us all to stay home to slow the spread. But now? Now it’s about compliance. It’s about control. Controlling the narrative and controlling you. It’s about crushing your resolve until you give in to their demands. It’s about dividing and conquering.

How you choose to handle all of this is your decision. Not mine and not the government’s. The vast majority of the people in your life, the government, and your employer do not know all the factors that you consider when making these decisions. And they’re not entitled to know those factors or the decisions you ultimately make.

The government and media have done a brilliant job at turning people against each other; branding anyone who dares to go against the mainstream as selfish, uneducated, MAGA touting, anti-science™️ , and spreaders of misinformation. What’s more is that there are professing Christians who have bought into it, doling out extra biblical commands like candy. Let’s be clear: people who are doing this do not care about you conforming to the likeness of your Savior, they care about you conforming to their preferences.

Do we not see what is happening in Australia and Canada? Do we not see how close we are to permanently losing our most basic freedoms and creating a medical caste system? Right now it’s coercion to be vaccinated, who can say what’s next? If you think you’re safe from the strong arm of the government, you are not. Now is the time to stand together, especially as brothers and sisters in Christ, and affirm that we will not ask people to inject something into their bodies against their will. We will stand for one another as we seek to live in accordance with God’s word. We will advocate for one another’s right and responsibility to live according to our consciences on matters that are not clearly addressed in God’s word; knowing that ultimately we will give an answer for our actions and decisions to God, not to man.

May God have mercy on us.

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